
내집-인연 대화 선택지

BJ 푸른이빨 5 4,387 2018.03.22 11:44

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Alright, give everything for your dream today.

Surely, you will become a great hokage.

Uh...I'm hungry... - Info from YellowPaint

I'll take you to Teuchi's for ramen!

Why is Sasuke so stubborn? - Info from Venn

Sasuke... has his problems.

I may be a genin right now, but I will train hard and become the Hokage! - Info from ong***@msn.com

Come on, Naruto. I believe you can do it.

How could Jiraiya be so lustful and yet so powerful? - Info from had***@gmail.com

He must have put in a lot of effort too.

Why does Hinata blush every time she sees me? - Info from Venn

Well, maybe she likes you?

What does Nine-Tails really think of me? - Info from

Maybe he thinks that you're too weak. How about if you tried to become stronger?



I still don't get it. Why would Itachi do that kind of thing.

I don't get it either but there must be something about it.

I will finally get my revenge on that guy. - Info from Watanuki13

I don't understand, but I support you.

What's up? - Info from YellowPaint

I've learned new tricks. Look!

In my eyes orochimaru is nothing more than a mere clown. - Info from flydende

What enviable power.

Why does Naruto keep on bugging me?! - Info from gma***@u.rocheste...

Because he can't let go of the bond between you.

How can I become stronger? - Info from Yamabu

Don't forget your goals.

I will have my revenge on that guy!

I don't get it, but I support you!

When I was young, my father used to compare me with that person.

He may not see your hard work, but you are clear enough about your effort.



It feels so good to heal people with healing jutsu.

Sakura has a good heart.

Why is Ino always against me - Info from Watanuki13

This is how girls are. Just mutual misunderstanding.

How can I get Sasuke's heart back... - Info from YellowPaint

Try to be real with him. Then maybe you will succeed.

Naruto always develop just when we are not careful - Info from dew19

If Naruto can do it, you can do it too.

I don't want to be protected anymore. - Info from Miko ♥

It shows that you've grown, Sakura.

I want to become a ninja like Tsunade too. - Info from Resilliance

If you train hard, you'll make it. You're not a * girl.

I've always been looking at the shadow of their backs. Now it's time for them to see the shadow of my back!

Just work harder. You'll become irreplaceable.



The Ligntning Blade use to much chakra. i have to make it right. - Info from Watanuki13

Wow, you Lightning Blade can split lightning.

Oh, I lost my way again on the path of life today. - Info from Watanuki13; typo corrected by AkaSmiley

Everyone gets lost. We're probably lost.

Haha, I can see Make-out Paradise again!

Oh! Oh! That's Jiraiya's masterpiece!

A person who doesn't care about his friends is rubbish. What do you think? - Info from YellowPaint

Comrades are a ninja's most valuable asset and where our bond lies.

Guy hasen't played with me in a while. - Info from flydende

I guess he is scared he will be beaten by kakashi sensei.

Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, don't forget you are a team. - Info from dew19

Yes, Kakashi Sensei.

Letting electrostatic focus on the palm, causing one strike kill, is the essence of Lightning Cutter.

I heard that Lightning Blade can cut lightning into halves.




What happened? Did you remember something from the past?

So, today's weather is a little dry.

What a dry weather, those trees must be thirsty.

So, do not mistreat plants!

Yes, protecting the environment is a good thing.

So, I have a nice side, and a bad side.

Nice in some way and strict in others. This a powerful kind of ability.

So, are my eyes really weird?

So much spirit, great!

So, Kakashi sensei...

Are you thinking about Kakashi sensei and the past?



Come on, I'll take you to the bathhouse! - Info from Resilliance

The bathhouse again?

Tell you what, I'm Gamamaru - Info from YellowPaint

Yes, it's Jiraiya, one of the three Sannin!

What are the talents of a ninja. Do you know? - Info from YellowPaint

A ninja is someone who can has unlimited patience.

If I should never come back from this mission.. - Info from dew19

No, you will come back alive!

Come on, want to go for a drink? - Info from gma***@u.rocheste...

I'm in! Let's drink, Jiraiya!

What are the talents of a ninja. Do you know? - Info from Rumor

A ninja is someone who can has unlimited patience

Why has my hair gone all white? The girls think I'm a grandpa. - Info from Yamabu

That's your style!

I trust the people of this world, that one day there will be no diversion, and will be trustworthiness among one another.

That day is worth waiting for.



Get Sasuke to get a new container. Hahaha!

One step at a time. Practice patience in everything.

Life doesn't have any meaning to begin with, but as long as we live, interesting things happen.

Orochimaru, I admire you, but I like girls.

The life of the body is too short and too unpredictable. - Info from Venn

Yes, only a spirit can live forever!

I need to get more and more ninjutsu ! All of it ! - Info from Nikilvss

You`ve done so many experiments. It will definitely work.

To achieve my goals, no matter how dark the forces, I will use them if I must. - Info from dew19

Hate is terrible force. Can I control them?

Tears mean nothing to me. Since I was selected by god, then I will give up everything to find the truth! - Info from Venn

Yes, Orochimaru, everything in this world is structured according to the truth.

Come with me. I'll take you to witness the power of truth. - Info from 101***@facebook

Will it really give me inexhaustible strength?

Team 8


Training with Kiba and Shino is hard.

Kiba and Shino are reliable teammates, aren't they?

I don't really want to take baths with other girls. - Info from Resilliance

Actually, you don't need to be shy.

It's hard to knit scarves - Info from Resilliance

You're so thoughtful. Did you knit it for a boy?

I've lost again to that Neji... - Info from AkaSmiley

Just give your best!

I've got a new mission - Info from flydende

It looks really difficult. are you gonna be okay?

I won't have to hide in Naruto's shadow anymore! - Info from dew19

You can do it ! Yo'll catch him!

I hope Naruto would look at me... - Info from Amaya Hoshi

You've been working so hard. It'll make him really glad!



We've had a contract with the insects ever since we were born.

Doesn't it feel rotten to be stuck inside the body of an insect?

I don't like being disregarded.

We actually care a lot about you. You are very important to us!

I really miss when Hane was still alive.

Even when he was with Root, hes still working for himself!

Kankuro is a formidable opponent.

Yes, his puppet jutsu is powerful indeed.

I feel like I barely exist. Nobody cares about me.

Maybe you've been too quiet. Speak up!!!

My insect sensory ability has finally become helpful to people.

Even though insects are tiny, their power is still limitless!



What’s this taste… You are (Character Name) right?

Yes, yes, your sense of smell is getting better and better!

Akamaru, let's try again!

Wow! You're really great!

I should become a Hokage. I should!

Everybody's dream is to become the Hokage.

Do you know who my brother is?

Of course, it's Akamaru.

If I become Hokage, I will make a Love Your Dog day!

Thats certain. Dogs are our most loyal companions!

My love for Akamaru is deeper than my feeling for anyone else.

You guys are perfect together.



Talent matters a lot if you want to become trained in genjutsu.

Im still pretty confident about my talent!

Genjutsu is sometimes even more powerful than ninjutsu.

Really? I want to learn genjutsu too!


Kurenai sensei needs to be strong. Hes watching over us from heaven!

Uhchihas genjutsu makes people shudder from fear.

The Sharingans genjutsu cant deal with kurenai?

Kiba, Hinata and Shino have all grown into outstanding ninjas.

You must be so proud.

Shikamaru will become the best teacher for this child.

He will pass on the will of fire to the next generation!

Team 3


Is our fate really fixed?

Submitting to ones fate is the sign of a coward!

Naruto has brighter eyes than me.

Because Naruto is not bothered by wordly judgments?

I want to buy some gifts for Hinata, but I don't know what to buy.

Give something girls will like.

Split family, inherited family, what's the difference?

Even if it's a split family, you have to be brave enough to be yourself.

Even though I was born in the split family, I have to be not afraid of fighting with fate.

Thats right. If your dad knew this is what you think hes be very happy.

Hinata is also training very hard for Naruto.

Maybe this is the power of love.


I'm going to prove that I can still become a great ninja without knowing ninjutsu and genjutsu.

We'll put! Let's go araound Konoha 20 times in a handstand!

I love the tracksuit Guy Sensei gave me! - Info from AkaSmiley

Yes... looks pretty spiffy...

Guy Sensei says I'm a genius of hardwork. - Info from YellowPaint

Then you must not diisappoint Guy.

Why won’t Sakura glance my way more often… - Info from dew19

That’s because you aren’t as strong as sasuke.

I'm going to surpass those geniuses. Neji, Sasuke, just you wait. - Info from dew19

Geniuses aren't unsurpassable. Your effort will pay off.

The lotus flowers of Konoha will blossom once again!

It would even be more dazzling the next time it blooms!



I spend a lot of time everyday to clean my tools. I'm tired.

You're really great! Just kunai and shuriken are enough...

Any attempt in today's training must be spot on! - Info from ong***@msn.com

Come on! It takes not only precision but also power!

I feel hopeless in the presence of an opponent like Tsunade. - Info from AkaSmiley

Why don't you try to use chakras on your tool?

Both Neji and Lee are really diligent. - Info from RyuKarubi

Are they all reliable comrades?

It’s really simple to summon tools with scrolls - Info from dew19

You’re quite talented in space-time ninjutsu.

I want to open a tool shop when I have money. - Info from RyuKarubi

That must be best tool shop in Konoha.

It's quite a convenient thing when bun head starts fighting. - Info from RyuKarubi

And it looks good too!



I'm might guy the proud blue beast of konoha

Wow! looks so handsome.

Youngester, passionate blood, let your youth shine!

Guy sensei is always so spirited. Makes me envy!

Someone who doesn't trust himself has no value.

So believing in yourself and working hard will amount to success?

I don't want to lose to anybody - especially not Kakashi.

You guys are really good pair.

Lee will shine someday.

A hardworking genius. Not many people could do that.

Wear the trainers I made specially for training.

Alright, put on your trainers and feel the power running in you!

Team 10


Even if my earrings look ordinary, they much more than that to me

is it enhancing the bonds between the ino-shika-cho clan?

Speaking of Choji, it's hard for him to thin down after capturing Sasuke. What's making him eat like this!

Those with heavy damage will need more rejuvenation so that they can heal.

What do you think of my Heart Turn Body Technique?

It sounds really great! We can control others remotely!

Don't know how Sakura and Sasuke are getting along?

No worries. Sakura likes Sasuke so much. It won't be a problem at all.

Do you know who are the Ino-Shika-Cho group?

Is it the Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi group?

If I had learned medical jutsu, then I could be like Sakura and help out friends.

Yes, his power could be even greater than that of Sakuras!



Chess, again, ugh, so much trouble... - Info from Jeiku

Then let's just lie down and look at the sky.

Choji wants to take me out for grill again.

He can do more than just eat.

Dont interrupt me when i'm thinking... - Info from had***@gmail.com

It would be nice if i could be as smart as you.

We've got practice the same jutsu over and over again every day.. - Info from Lolipo26

I want be as good at ninjutsu as you !

Why do you only come to me when you have problems... - Info from dew19

Who told you to be an expert strategist?

Women are a nuisance... - Info from Amaya Hoshi

Yes, women are impossible to fathom.

Finally, this mission is over...Could you possibly have failed? - Info from ong***@msn.com

Is it hard being captain?

Sasuke's failure to get back the mission has made me think for a long time.

Then use your actions to make yourself stronger.

As captain, I have the burden to pick up the responsibility of risks of life and mission failures.

We trust you!

Do you know the meaning of risks?

It's about defending the dream and future of Konoha.



I'm not a fat pig or anything. I'm just curvaceous!

Yey, curviness!

The last piece of food is the essence of delicacies. I won't let anyone else have it!

I think so too. he last is the best!

My father has said before, one day I will meet a friend who likes my qualities.

Yes, everybody loves someone as nice as you.

For puppet masters, poisoning and puppets are both important.

As ninja, the more attacks the better.

When I finish my training, shall we go have grill?

Oh, oh, grill after training is the most delicious!

Can I really continue the legacy of a good dad...?

You need to be more confident, Choji!



Shikamaru has gone out on a mission. Come play chess with me.

Okay. I've always wanted to learn a few tricks from you.

I've been thinking recently, how can I make Flying Sparrow stronger?

Why don't we try injecting some chakras and see?

What kind of flower should I buy for Kurenai after my patrol today?

Roses! The symbol of love!

Choji is a really nice child...

If only kindness can be transferred into attack power, he would be so powerful!

Father sacrificed his life for the sake of protecting his child. I'm proud of him.

Thats right!The will of fire carries on!

The Great Naruto Bridge Arc


The path of a missing nin can only be spend in darkness.

We have to finish walking the path we chose for ourselves.

A weakling can only become prey.

I will try harder to make myself more powerful

This beheading blade has the blood of countless people.

I heard it's possible regenerate even after the blade breaks


Is he an important companion of yours?

Naruto has grown into an outstanding ninja.

Yes, he's the hero in everybody's heart.

When will the village of Hidden Mist have peace...

Its improved a lot after the Fifth Mizukage entered the stage.



People become strong when they wan to protect very important things.

Youre absolutely right. I want to be as powerful as you too.

From what I see, it's very hard to become a ninja who can let go of everything.

People aren't vegetables. Who could be so cruel?

I want to realize Zabuza sensei's dream. For this, I can become a real ninja.

So when are you going to start living for youself then?

I want to realize Zabuza sensei's dream. For this, I can become a real ninja.

So when are you going to start living for youself then?

Without dreams, unneeded by anybody, then there is only pain.

You need to become stronger. Look at Naruto now. 

If possible, I wan to go to the same place as Zabuza.

Do you know. Zabuza actually cares a lot about you.

Zabuza sensei is actually a warm person.

Really? I can see you really like him.

Hidden Sand Village


Naruto, you will become the Hokage!

Is he your bestfriend?

It's as if Kankuro and Temari are really afraid of me... - Info from Resilliance

Try to talk to them more.

Finally I can sleep right... - Info from AkaSmiley

Why couldn't you sleep before?

What does Father really think of me? - Info from Resilliance

He must have his own problems.

What does "Jinchuriki: really mean.. - Info from dew19

Is its not because of power and strength?

I have to carry this gourd with me everywhere. What a pain

Your best weapon is inside. Isn't it?



I have to carry this fan everywhere. It's so heavy!

Can you show it to me? What good is a three-star fan?

How much time does it take to comb every day? - Info from YellowPaint

Why do you have four braids?

Gaara doesn't save me any worries at all. - Info from Venn

As his big sister, help him a little more.

Apparently I really miss Konoha's chestnuts. - Info from gma***@u.rocheste...

Konoha's chestnuts are fuller than those of the Land of Wind.

Shikamaru has a good brain.. - Info from dew19

Haha, is there also a little bit of admiration besides envy?

It would be so nice if Kamaitachi can carry on forever like the other summons. - Info from sho***@umn.edu

Yes, it's real great to have the company of summons.



Careful not to catch a crow!

This is the crow thats been following you for the longest time. It looks great.

Collecting puppets is such a happy event!

It's always so much fun to do what you love!

For puppet masters, poisoning and puppets are both important.

As ninja, the more attacks the better.

In the past, Temari and I have always tried to hide from Gaara...

You guys are always hiding from him. Poor Gaara!

I won't let Gaara be taken away under my watch!

Gaara is very powerful, but you dont have to worry.

Hidden Cloud Village


Come to my concert! Yo!

Alright, I love rap.

Jinchuriki should be united! Yo!

People with similar experiences must be able to understand each other!

Naruto and i are good friends! Yeah

Naruto and i are good friends too!

Man should talk with their fists! Yo!

Then let's give it a try!




You're so cool!


I want to learn some spirit drawing techniques too.


What kind of place is Hidden Rapids?

Konoha really makes people uncomfortable.

You'll get used to it eventually.

Can you stop bothering me?

I'm pretty curious about Pain. Can you tell me more about him?



Nagato and Yahiko's will will not extinguish!

Um, let's chase their dreams together.

Only when it's raining do I feel safe.

Because rain can wash away sin.

Jiraiya sensei is the person we admire the most.

Right, he's a respectable mentor.

Yahiko's death reveals the true color of the nation.

The acts of big nations are the source of the pain for the smaller nations.

Can you stop bothering me?

I'm pretty curious about Pain, can you tell me more about him?

I hope the next time I see you a flower of hope will blossom from your heart.

Dreams will never wither.

The Akatsuki is the most heartwarming home

But all Akatsuki has brought to the other ninja villages is pain and iciness



Don't make me wait too long.

Yes. Ill be back soon. No delays!

All excellent ninjas should be made into puppets

Are the ninjas resources very important to puppets?

Is this the puppet you want to change?

Yes! I think I could trust it to you.

Lasting beauty is an art.

Yes, puppets won't ever disappear.

My goal is to exceed Monzaemon in puppet jutsu!

You c*ready control the puppets! 

Human puppets are the summit of the puppet world.

Powerful indeed!They could even use the ninjutsu they learned before their lifetime!



Do you kno what is true art? - Info from Watanuki13

Of course! Art is a blast!

Sasori's existence is a blaspheme to the word art. - Info from Watanuki13

How would he understand the beauty of explosion.

Let's create a more beautiful work of art! - Info from Resilliance

The Kibaku Nendo is ready! Let's Start!

Look at my new Nendo clone! They not only seize enemies, but c*so self-implode! - Info from dew19

Tremendous! Explode one for me to see!

I'm already ready to sacrifice my life for my ultimate art! - Info from dew19

I have your back!

Do you dare to throw Nendo Locusts on old Onoki? - info from

It must be fun! Hahaha!

One day I'm going to have everybody experience the art of explosions!

Your dream will come true someday!



I won't partner up with other people.

Yes, you don't need to be controlled

Can't we have a higher value wanted mission?

It's the same concept of murder, why such a big difference in price?

The Akatsuki's account book is almost red. Maybe they need to accept more wanted missions.

We didnt think youd be so thoughtful.

Hidan, can't he be quieter when killing someone?

Relatively speaking, I prefer silent kills.

Why should I be cruelly treated when I sacrificed my life for the village?

You can't trust anyone in the world of ninjas.

Hidan, can't he be quieter when killing someone?

Relatively speaking, I prefer silent killers.

It's about time the heart reserves are replenished.

Want to become stronger again?

Money is about the only thing that can be believed.

Yes. anyone can betray you, but money wont.

The people who are the same as me have just about all died.

Are you a little lonely?

Hidden Mist Village


I'm Salamander Hanzo, report your name.

An unknown nobody, not worth mentioning.

Peace? It' only people making up excuses to make themselves feel better

Peace will dawn, just in different ways.

Stay away from me if you don't want to be poisoned!

No problem, I have a mask.

Do you want to talk to Ino?

Ok, let's go visit later.

How has the village in Hidden Rain changed...

(Lying) It's more prosperous than before.


28 블루랑이 2018.03.23 09:24
스크랩 ^^
9 Paruru 2018.03.23 20:40
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 번역기 돌려야 할 판~!~
BJ 푸른이빨 2018.03.23 22:16
생각보다 쉬운 영어라 할수 있습니다!

축하합니다! 행운의 포인트 5점 당첨되셨습니다!

28 천상의무사 2018.03.25 15:28
하시라마는 없나요?
BJ 푸른이빨 2018.03.25 22:16
하시리마는 소지하지 않아서 ㅠㅠ
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
3303 닌계탐험 나루토가 소환술 연습하다 떨어진곳 어딘가요?? 댓글+3 18 베니네 2018.06.14 3261 0
3302 농촌비마을 '유령' 길드 스파이 사건 2부 2 비마을미나토 2017.09.22 3260 0
3301 현질을 안한다고 보내니... 댓글+3 18 야구라 2019.03.23 3258 0
3300 [무소과금] 6월 1일 결제ㅋㅋㅋ (출석보상 좋다!!) 댓글+21 13 임가을 2018.06.01 3255 0
3299 예데 덱이 뭐가있나요! 댓글+2 7 뽕뿡 2019.01.06 3252 0
3298 뇌둔 무자덱 댓글+2 34 화니 2017.12.05 3251 0
3297 제련하지마십시오 댓글+5 5 Stone1 2017.10.01 3249 2
3296 수둔에 투력 22931인데...챕터7 마지막 어떻게깸? 댓글+3 14 화둔의달인 2017.11.16 3247 0
3295 활성화를 위해 본인서버에 홍보 많이 합시다!ㅎㅎ 댓글+3 8 수원부엉이 2017.07.21 3246 2
3294 전투력 몇쯤은 되야 평균은 되는걸까요?? 댓글+36 24 매릴 2018.03.25 3246 1
3293 답답해서 참... 댓글+4 12 류마 2017.10.03 3243 2
3292 수능이벤트 감사합니다 히단먹었어요@ 댓글+1 14 매력 2017.11.24 3242 0
3291 중국엔 또 새로운 사스케가 나왔나 봅니다 멋있네요 댓글+14 12 료니 2017.09.21 3241 0
3290 오카게 회담 오비토 (달의눈 계획 오비토) 영상 댓글+9 BJ 푸른이빨 2017.10.07 3241 1
3289 카카시(참수식칼) 사스케 스돌하는중 ~~~ 34 애플망고 2019.09.24 3241 0
3288 라이카게 오의무한반복영상 댓글+4 14 매력 2017.12.12 3239 0
3287 이게 뭐죠?ㅋㅋ 댓글+3 47 백귀 2018.06.14 3239 0
3286 굿모닝입니다 오늘은 불금 캬캬 댓글+1 16 앙코 2017.07.21 3238 0
3285 수둔암조합 댓글+2 14 유령용 2018.01.19 3237 0
3284 한조 처럼 한달동안 이타치 강림 ??? 말도 안돼!!!! 댓글+2 34 츠나데45 2018.07.02 3236 0
3283 추격임무10회실패어케이겨요^^ㅋㅋㅋ 댓글+9 1 타츠미 2017.07.23 3234 0
3282 랭킹전에 사용할 덱 조언 부탁드립니다!! 댓글+4 7 흙설탕 2017.12.11 3233 0
3281 업데이트내용중에 예토상자관련 댓글+2 34 화니 2018.01.10 3233 1
3280 예토 데이다라 조합을 정말 쉽게 이길수 있는 조합 댓글+8 BJ 푸른이빨 2018.03.20 3233 0
3279 덱 질문좀요 ㅠㅠ 댓글+5 9 나루토지존 2018.05.25 3232 0
3278 기분 때문에 자유도가 너무 떨어지네요 댓글+3 19 화목 2017.09.07 3228 1
3277 오늘 16000지폐 썼는데 댓글+11 9 가아라면 2018.10.25 3228 0
3276 14만 투력 계정 처분 댓글+28 3 시드니2 2018.11.04 3228 0
3275 경기장 등급전 기본원칙 3 11 나루사마 2018.02.12 3227 3
3274 나루통 닌자갤러리에 신기한 현상... 댓글+3 M 운영자 2018.03.17 3227 0
3273 운영진님 모하시는겁니까? 댓글+25 17 베인 2018.09.30 3227 2
3272 환급답변 댓글+10 M 초류후배 2019.02.26 3221 0
3271 모두 안녕~~~ 20 ELRIS 2019.07.31 3221 0
3270 닌자시험 230층 댓글+1 31 아기북극곰 2018.12.20 3220 0
3269 풍둔으로 바꿨더니 !!! 욕 먹었네요 댓글+4 34 사쿠라45 2017.11.08 3219 1
3268 결국에는 고민하다가 미나토 선택했습니다 ㅋㅋ 댓글+5 9 이따치 2017.12.14 3219 0
3267 [영문]스돌 정리 (Y돌파 L돌파 포함) 10/31 중섭기준 댓글+1 17 S751Rain 2018.11.20 3219 1
3266 생존시련 소탕이 되네요....? 댓글+2 2 신타쿠 2017.07.26 3217 0
3265 무과금 냥이의보은 점수로 무엇을 살까요? 댓글+3 17 나라라나루토 2018.08.12 3217 0
3264 아침부터 비가 엄청나게 내리네용 댓글+4 13 TWICE다현 2017.07.23 3213 0
3263 오늘 27장으로 모집한 닌자들(중복 1있음) 댓글+2 29 루다 2018.06.01 3210 1
3262 사소리님이 보복을..? 댓글+2 15 쁘띠큐티우럭 2017.08.14 3209 0
3261 카게상자 패치 언제 할까요ㅋㅋㅋ 댓글+2 18 레드벨벳슬기 2017.10.15 3206 0
3260 다시 카게상자 뽑기를 시작하셔도 좋습니다.!!! 질러욧!! 댓글+2 10 화룡염탄 2017.10.20 3205 1
3259 내 집에 먼저 초대 해야하는 닌자 순서 댓글+3 BJ 푸른이빨 2018.03.22 3205 2
3258 이번사태로 17만 지폐 환급받은분이계시는데 댓글+15 21 소이 2019.02.15 3203 0
3257 본사 찾아갑니다 댓글+26 5 시기쿠진 2019.03.06 3203 1
3256 하급 천 82개남은거 어떻게 처리해요~ 댓글+2 12 영률 2017.08.25 3202 0
3255 8월8일 대규모 이벤트 (아프리카tv 소리센) 12 센고쿠 2017.08.07 3201 0
3254 미나토+오다라+@ 뭐가 좋을까요? 댓글+7 6 Molb 2019.03.19 3201 0
3253 이 조합으로...덱 부탁드립니다! 댓글+2 3 태극정기 2018.07.29 3200 0
3252 나루토 홍보영상 (자유게시판에서 옮김)ㅎ 9 우즈마키나가토 2017.07.26 3199 0
3251 공식적으로 말씀 드립니다. 댓글+3 5 토비 2017.10.07 3199 0
3250 설때 암부 이타치가 나오면 안되는 이유(?) 댓글+5 BJ 푸른이빨 2018.02.13 3197 1
3249 메리추석~ 댓글+3 13 하울 2018.09.24 3197 0
3248 뇌둔 이타치 강자 17 사이미 2018.06.12 3195 0
3247 새벽2시부터 지금까지 닌자시험중 댓글+1 29 루다 2018.06.04 3193 0
3246 봉두 170 뽑은 결과 ㅋㅋㅋ 댓글+6 15 별님 2018.11.07 3193 0
3245 마다라 뽑아서 쓰는데 ㅜㅜ 댓글+3 6 포도 2019.02.14 3193 0
3244 나루토 운영자보다 운영 잘하는 BJ 창조센해 8월8일 대규모 이벤트 합니다 모두 참여하시고 원보받으세요~ 3 전멸 2017.08.07 3192 0
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