
나루토 온라인 2.0 패치 (1)

BJ 푸른이빨 8 6,226 2017.09.05 17:56

More Updates

- Foundation System -

(1) “Ninja Tools – Five Natures” is available now.

Ninjas can now obtain “Five Natures Stone” in Team Instance. The Stones can be used to infuse the natures of the Five Natures into Ninja Tools. Different Natures give different bonuses.

닌자도구 "5속성" 가능이 가능합니다. 

파티 던전에서 5대 속성 돌을 얻으 실 수 있습니다. 닌자 도구에 이 속성 돌을 넣으신다면 같은 속성으로 시너지 능력치를 얻을수 있습니다

(2) The “Ninja” interface was optimized.

a) Check other players’ Summons and Battle Armor by clicking “View tactics” in other players’ Character Information interface.

b) When you drag the mouse to the top of a ninja and hold it, more attributes and types will be shown (e.g.: Haku is officially represented with a “Male” symbol).

인터페이스 변화

c) You can now search for a Ninja by inputting the ninja’s name or a skill’s name.

d) Skills that were specific to a certain character and needed to be use in the World Map were removed. Every Main Character now has the same skills in the World Map. This way, Barriers can be crossed by any of the Main Characters.

(3) The “Battle” system was optimized.

a) More Status icons added in the battle (appear on top of your characters), including “Status Transfer”, “Immune to Interruption” and “Control Failed”.

b) When a player is in a Battle, other players are not able to join his/her Team anymore.

c) When specific ninjas are in Action #1 in a battle, some particular dialogues might be triggered.

상대에게 제어 실패 했을지 "제어 실패" 라고 자세하게 뜬다는 이야기 

(4) “Tactics” have been added in the Power Up interface.

(5) The “Team” interface was optimized.

a) 5 types of Teams have been added: “Normal Team”, “Group Instance”, “Team Instance”, “Strong Approaching” and “Wanted Mission”.

b) The Captain of a Team can now send out an invitation in the World Chat or Group Chat to recruit more members for his/her Team.

5가지 조합을 만들어서 조합창에 저장시킬수 있습니다 

(6) New functions available in the “Group” interface.

a) “Donations This Week” has been added in the “Group Donations” tab.

b) The rewards in Lucky Wheel have been improved. As the Group’s level increases, the rewards in the Lucky Wheel will become better.

길드 행운의 룰렛이 레벨을 올릴때마다 아이템들이 더 좋아집니다 

- PvE System -

(1) Plot/Elite Instances

a) Chapter Ten: “Five Kage Summit” in the Plot Instance tab.

b) The information for “Sweeps” appears faster for Plot/Elite Instances.

c) Claimed rewards from “Clearance Reward” in the Plot Instance tab are now marked as “Claimed”.

​소탕이 빨라집니다

(2) The “Team Instance” interface has been updated to a new version.

Each Instance now has 3 Difficulties. Completing the “Recommended Instances” will give players extra experience and coins.

​파티 던전 난이도가 3가지로 바뀝니다. 추천 전투력 표기됨​.  난이도에 따라서 경험치와 동전을 추가 지급해드립니다.

(3) Rich Field updated!

a) “Expert” difficulty will be available when players reach level 70.

b) “Extreme” difficulty will be available when players reach level 85.

c) The harder the difficulty cleared, the better the obtainable rewards.

d) Cooldown Time of Trials has been decreased to 10 minutes.

복고양이 던전 - 전문가 70레벨 ,   익스트림 85레벨 

더 많은 보상을 드립니다 난이도에 따라 

(4) World Boss – Nine Tails Invasion

a) The HP of the Nine Tails will be adjusted automatically according to the Total Damage as the battle progresses.

b) The rewards will be sent based on the damage a player manages to cause in proportion to the Nine Tails’ Total Damage.

- PvP System -

“Fighting Matsuri Challenge” system was optimized.

a) The Rule in which players had to register in the first 10 minutes to participate in Fighting Matsuri Challenge has been removed. From now on, players can register anytime during the event.

b) Players can only select 10 Ninjas in the registration interface.

c) Main Characters will revive automatically after being defeated once a battle ends.

d) Revival Potions can only be used to revive ninjas if 1 of your selected Ninjas has not been defeated (Main Character is not accountable). A maximum of 3 Revival Potions can be used in each Fighting Matsuri Challenge.

e) The Matching system in Fighting Matsuri Challenge has been improved. The gap between opponents has been decreased. However, if the Matching Time exceeds 60 seconds, players will be matched to a random player.

f) If the Loading Time exceeds 30 seconds, the player will automatically be considered as “Defeated” and the opponent will be considered the “Winner”.

- Changes in Skills-

​전장이 더이상 10분안에 등록해서 입장하는것이 아니고 항시 입장으로 바뀝니다 

추가 스킬 변경점은 나중에 작성 하겠습니다


16 일족 2017.09.05 19:13
항상 감사합니다!!
16 타츠마토 2017.09.05 19:58
404 Not Found
nginx/1.0.15 <---이상한링크에클릭하자마자
이거오류/떳음ㅡㅡ;;뭐지~~보고싶은데 오류때문에안되네요ㅎㅎ

축하합니다! 행운의 포인트 19점 당첨되셨습니다!

BJ 푸른이빨 2017.09.05 20:01
북미 공식 사이트에 있는 글인데 해당 홈페이지가 삭제 되어서 찿을수 없는거 같습니다. 보실수 없는 정보는 삭제 했어요~!
16 타츠마토 2017.09.05 20:04
아네~ 감사합니다.
14 아크시안 2017.09.05 22:34
2.0이 패치되면 더 나은 시스템으로 발전되는군요..좋은 정보네요~~~고생하셨슴다.
BJ 푸른이빨 2017.09.06 01:01
지금 불만 폭주인 시스템들이 2.0이 되면 다 좋게 바뀝니다. 어서 2.0이되서 갓겜이 됬으면 좋겠습니다
12 코난 2017.09.06 00:42
전장이 항시 입장이 되는게 정말 좋네요!
12 이쿠요 2017.09.07 11:49
조합저장 개꿀;;

축하합니다! 행운의 포인트 55점 당첨되셨습니다!

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
한눈에 보는 꿀팁 모음집! ㅎㅎ놓치지 마세요~ 댓글+17 8 수원부엉이 2017.07.22 11935 14
구글링은 이렇게 하세요. 댓글+18 11 Hashirama 2017.07.24 7842 11
[과금분들의 최강의 꿀팁!] 댓글+12 9 우즈마키나가토 2017.07.25 11771 17
[닌자비책] 스토리던전 / 정예던전 챕터(레벨)별 클리어 보상목록입니다. 댓글+22 9 우즈마키나가토 2017.07.21 9815 44
캐릭 콤보 조합할 때 참고하세요 댓글+11 16 앙코 2017.07.19 10124 14
공략게시판 입니다. M 운영자 2017.07.19 3791 0
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